Monday, April 17, 2006

The paska issue

And so it began the previous Sunday evening when at my in laws I proclaimed I was not making paska this year. My youngest brother in law looked shocked. Hey, I have 3 papers to write and a June 2nd deadline! Later that week I received a phone call from him. His wife had designated him to figure out who was bringing what to the family Easter dinner. Did you guess? I was slated to bring dessert and the pressure to bring paska was applied. I replied I would bring two pies. The next day my youngest daughter came home and exclaimed, "Where's the paska?" Not only was there no paska, but with only one adult daughter home, we decided we were really past the Easter bunny delivering chocolate until grandchildren arrive. I mean, isn't Easter really about celebrating the resurrection of Christ anyway?! Saturday morning came and I realized that maybe making paska actually took less time than making two pies from scratch....and so the process began. By late in the day the fragrance of freshly baked lemon scented bread filled the air and I must admit I enjoyed making it. In lieu of the Easter bunny, Jo and I ran to the store for small chocolate malted eggs to nestle in the icing of the paska which my husband and I then wrapped and ribboned. By 10:00pm all was finished, and they did look good. And so Easter Sunday family dinner I arrived with seven loaves of fresh gift wrapped paska, two already set aside for my older absent children. Yes, my youngest brother in law had a wide, surprised, delighted grin on his face; giving is fun.........and today, I made some headway on the first paper.


LStew said...

you are so thoughtful. your youngest daughter is nice.

Jo Dyck said...

i hope you don't think that taking away the easter bunny will get you grand children faster.