Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Paris 1919: amusing ideas

I am currently reading "Paris 1919" by Margaret MacMillan for entertainment on a rainy day before an insane workstretch starts. Quote from p.47 "The Canadians also caught up in the general feeling that borders had suddenly become quite fluid. They chatted away happily with the Americans about exchanging the Alaska panhandle for some of the West Indies or possibly British Honduras. Borden also spoke to Lloyd George about the possiblity of Canada taking over the administration of the West Indies." I would love to know whatever happened to those brilliant ideas!
Another idea: p.54 "Every afternoon the doors opened and footmen carried in tea and macaroons. Wilson was surprised andd somewhat shocked at first that they should interrupt discussing the future of the world for such a trivial event, but, as he told his doctor, he realized that this was a foreign custom that he might as well accept." I definitely think everyone should stop work mid afternoon for tea and macaroons brought in by footmen! Imagine the change in perspective it could engender.


Jo Dyck said...

well, as long as you keep quoting the book i got for christmas, i guess i'll never have to read it.

LStew said...

Canada needs a nation wide siesta.

Jordan/Yoda/Clambo said...

England should have given Canada dominion over India. Then we wouldn't have given in in 1947 to some sissy with a loin cloth. We would have sent an assasin to blow is mahatma self all the way to pacifist heaven. Or not. No, we probably would have told them to have a referendum then used their tax dollars to buy their votes. That's right. I went there.